You've begun to listen in to her needs and trust what she's saying. There's so much more to discover!
• You sometimes feel like your own body is working against you.
• Your exercise routine leaves you feeling ragged and exhausted.
• You work out and eat right but you just can't lose the weight.
• You've tried everything, but nothing gives you the lasting results you're looking for.
What if everything that you feel is going wrong is just a message?
Your body is trying to get your attention to say what works for her. She is doing her best. Are you listening?
How amazing would it be to have unlimited energy and vitality?
Your cells have the blueprint for thriving. They know what to do. We need to remove what's getting in the way.
How much peace would you feel if you could relax and trust your body?
I know how stressful it is to worry about what's going wrong and not know where to turn for solutions.
Oh, I know it feels like that sometimes. You just want to wear what you want to wear without having to struggle anymore.
You want to feel confident, free, and easy.
But your body is bloated, sluggish, and tired.
There's an entire industry out there ready to sell you another pill, product, or get-skinny-quick plan based on the lie
that there is something wrong with you.
Beautiful friend, if deprivation and self-punishment were going to work, don't you think they would have by now?
Let's try a different approach. Let's love your body into shape.
"People think it's a diet, but it's not. It's a culture, lifestyle and worshiping your own body. I feel calm, more awake, unbelievable!"
— Kate
"You not only know what to do, but the science behind why it works. And you explain it to me in a way I can understand.”
— Gail
"I started to apply many of the principles Darci taught me on nutrition and sleep and within one week I started to feel better"
— Anna
We were born to thrive. And that happens in community.
For eons, women have come together to tend fires, create sustenance, and nurture their communities with the wisdom they hold. But somewhere along the way we've traded in true support and nourishment for wine nights and burnout. If you're ready to recover the vitality that is your birthright, join us in this paradigm-shifting, evidence-based, ten-week course that will lead you, step by beautifully supported step, into the most vibrant version of yourself.
Let's get you on the path to thriving, using the powerful pillars of my program...
Eating the right foods for your body & finding your carbohydrate tolerance.
Moving at the right intensity to lower stress, improve fitness, and burn fat for fuel.
Getting enough deep sleep to reduce stress and create optimal brain health.
Eliminating the chemical, physical, and emotional stressors we do have control over.
When the body's metabolism is working well, hormone balance is a natural outcome.
The science behind your gut feelings and how to rely on their guidance for your health.
"Along this journey, Darci shared multiple resources that made it easier for me to start making changes in my life and to dive deeper into topics that I'm interested in improving. Definitely recommend.”
— Stephanie
"This has hands down changed my life. My hormones have shifted. No cramps. No headaches. No symptoms. Back to my old self!"
— Angela
"Thank you, Darci, for helping me shift from theory to practice. Nutrition has long been a thing I have struggled with. I received way more support than I anticipated!”
— Erin
There is power in community. We will walk this path to thriving together. Each week you will receive a video masterclass on one of the pillars of the program to watch on your own. Then we will circle up to get group coaching and support on how to individualize the content and apply it to our personal lives in sustainable ways. We'll have implementation weeks sprinkled in to take your time and stabilize in your new habits before taking in more knowledge. The perfect mix of solo and group work...with my expert guidance!
Join us next time!
This ten-week group immersion into my paradigm-shifting, evidence-based wellness program will open again later this year and you can be the first to know.
The next cohort for this transformative experience will gather later this year. More info to come and you can be the first to know when you sign up for the wait list above!
You get six prerecorded video masterclasses - one on each pillar of the program (nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, hormone balance, and intuition). You also get weekly group coaching every week for ten weeks throughout the program. There will be some weeks without new content to allow time and space to implement what you learn at a sustainable pace. You will also have access to the private, members-only Facebook group for ongoing, asynchronous peer support. It's like the Carb Challenge vibe, but even better!
No worries! All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the portal where you can digest them at your own pace and time. You have access to all of this material for the remainder of the year, so you'll be able to come back and revisit the topics and sessions that are most important for you.
Ooh, that's the million dollar question, isn't it? It's so easy to know something. Harder to do it on the regular. That's why I've designed this experience to be community based. We will have the ongoing positive peer pressure and support to call us back in to the practices when life happens. Each module also has support materials like journal prompts, workbook pages, and helpful guides to give us the structure we need to keep track of our journey. I've found that these tools make all the difference for getting the great results we are looking to realize in our beautiful bodies.
This will be a small, intimate group of no more than 20 women. As you can see, I go all in and give it my whole heart when I coach. I want to be able to invest all my energy in this group without burning myself out. We will be a small but mighty bunch of Vibrant Women, pioneering a path to our most thriving selves. Please enroll asap so that you can secure one of those coveted spots for your sweet self.
Yes! Payment plan information will be updated when this course launches again later this year. Get on the wait list now to be the first to know about special rates and discounts that will be available.
© Copyright 2023 Vibrant Woman International